Wednesday, April 10, 2024


 By Chumile Mafrika

Twitter: @mafrika_chumile


On 23 March 2024 Manhattan residence hosted a top 4 netball tournament. The first match was Underrated against Muzinda residence which was a thrilling game.

         Picture of Underrated vs Muzinda residence

The first match was very hard as the game ended in favor of the Underrated who beat Muzinda residence by 20-16. The score says it was a competitive match as the teams played as if they knew each other. The teams planned their games very well and it led the coach of Muzinda to see her players’ strengths and weaknesses for the next game. 

“It’s not like we do not know how to play we really play very well, But I was looking forward to the strengths and weakness of my players I think our weaknesses led us to lose the game I think that’s what we have to fix hopefully the next match we will do better” said Amogelang Gcoka coach of Muzinda residence.

The teams gave a mouth-watering game to the fans as everyone was left impressed with the teams. Underrated gave a great performance in the third quarter and it led them to end up winning the game. Stamina in the third quarter and onwards was a key factor because the coach of underrated substituted 3 players which gave more numbers in going forward and being fast on the ball.

The goal shooter of Underrated sent a clear message that she’s a threat in the tournament as she makes sure that every chance she gets tries and converts it into their favor. As the winning team gave a thrilling performance, they were also considered the favor to win the tournament.

“As the name of our team says underrated, we are always underrated when it comes to the opponents, the empire was not on our side we tried to keep the game to us and ignore the empire and focus on the game. It helped us a lot because we manage to keep the pressure off, and we won the game” said Wennie Mbhele Underrated player.

A great opening game of the tournament as the other teams quickly saw the threat of the tournament. This has been a good moment and great experience for Muzinda residence as they must improve their next game.

    Picture of  Underrated vs Muzinda residence 

“We lost our first match I think for us to improve we have strengthened our defense put more players who will be able to support the defense, we must be able to aim very well for shooting “said Tsholofelo Rawani Muzinda residence player.

Friday, March 22, 2024



By Chumile Mafrika

Twitter: @mafrika_chumile



The Tshwane University of Technology hosted an open day for first-year students on 13 March 2024. The event was to welcome and celebrate the first-year students.

The event was strictly for first-year students to have fun and enjoy the activities that were available for them. The main thing was to develop the students outside the classroom with all the organizations that were supporting the event such as health and wellness, sports and recreation and life and recreation.

         TUT student with Higher health organisation

                 Students playing different games

 In student affairs and extra-curricular development, we have 5 directories sports and recreation, extra-curricular development, student governance and leadership development, residence life and catering and health and wellness and a very important program called PA educators.” sad Siyabonga Ntamo the public relation officer for student affairs and extra-curricular development.

 Many students don’t drop out of university because they don’t have the intellectual capacity, they drop out of university due to the social pressure and complications that come with the transition from high school to university. You find out that they are not well equipped to deal with the challenges that come up being in university. Student affairs teach students the necessary skills to be able to cope with university life and end their academics very well.

The health and wellness played a huge role as it helps students with lots and lots of things such as condomizing and HIV testing. As we know, sometimes people are not the same, other people are ashamed of coming forward to express their health conditions. So, the health and wellness program helps students with such matters.

 The program was a huge success as gave courage to the students to believe and accept that help is always there when you come across conditions where you are ashamed about them.

“What we have today is a first thing first campaign, partners are invited for students to take part in the services the partners are offering with regards to health and wellness we have HIV testing, and if you want to be initiated on prep and psychosocial support,” said Kgabonare Makgalane a registered councillor from High health.

Monday, March 11, 2024



By Chumile Mafrika

Twitter: @mafrika_chumile



On the 8 march 2024 Amajita FC hosted a preseason friendly against Junior United FC at the Tswane university of technology sports ground, preparing themselves ahead of the res league coming ahead.

The game was very tight at first half as both teams struggles to find an opening goal. It was very a competitive match in the Middle field of both teams know each other they struggle to produce progress going forward.

Junior United FC were pressing hard to get the ball but Amajita FC were to composed with the ball

“At first what we done we prepared for the game very well just to make sure that we fully ready for the res league that is soon going to start. Our approach is to compete for the league and win the league or else if we don’t win the league, we should be atleast become second on the league table” said Makabongwe Tembe coach of Amajita FC

Amajita FC turned the game in their own by making 2 substitute appearances who helped the team to make progress at the wingers in the second half, The opening goal of game came in the 73 minutes courtesy of Sibonile Anele Sibiya giving Amajita FC hope to win the game. Amajita FC won the game by 2 goals and not conceding a goal.

The coach of Junior United FC Thabang Sefalane was very encouragers on the sideline as he wanted his team to put more pressure on. As his team made two mistakes and they were punished by the strike of Amajita FC Sibonile Anele Sibiya, He was the star of game as he helped the team win the game.

“Since it’s our first game of the preseason we managed to win the game the one thing that helped us to win the game it’s the discipline we have and respect we have on each other as I see things, we are ready for the res league” said Sibonile Anele Sibiya

It took courage for the Junior United team as they lost the game, they were respectful to Amajita FC win and accepted their loss. As they know where to fix their mistakes and to prepare for next upcoming games of the res leaugue.

“The game was fair we lost 2 nil but what I have learned is that we need work as a team not how we are friends, we need a professional coach someone who will give basics on how to play” said Thabiso Marope Junior united FC captain.

The moment were a player of Amajita FC was making a long ball

Defender of Junior United FC

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



By Chumile Mafrika

Twitter: @mafrika_chumile



The brand Swenkasbal started in 2018 with the purpose of not starting a brand but to start business and started selling in 2019.

 The brand Swenkasbal was started by Simphiwe Ntshangase when him and his friends started going out on trips, where he made T-shirts written Swenkasbal for all his friends to be able to spot each other in big crowds so that they don’t get lost that’s how the name Swenkasabal came about.

Video from tik tok

At first It was hard for Simphiwe to continue with his brand as it was difficult for him to get stock supply to get the brand going forward, it was difficult to find places where he can get his supply.

The driving force behind the brand is that it was started by local in front of everyone in the community, and the recent success is that the brand as it continues to grow in the community it inspires many young people around the community that is possible to start your own brand businesses if theres someone in the community who made it possible. It possible when you believe and put your mind to it, young people around are now inspired by not only Simphiwe but by seeing the success of the brand Swenkasbal to start their own business.

“ I want to open stores and collaborate with other creatives in future that’s my dream, Its been journey for me I with this initiative I started as I have seen many people in the community has been supporting and still supporting so for me with the support of the community Swenkasbali would not be here” Simphiwe said

picture from facebook
The brand is easily accessible even when how far you are of the country you can get the brand on social media Facebook, Instagram and TikTok as well,It’s also available in a store Katlehong for those who like traditional shopping over online shopping.

picture from facebook
picture from facebook

Monday, February 26, 2024



By Chumile Mafrika


Twitter: @mafrika_chumile






The African National congress (ANC) is on the verge of launching a manifesto which will be taking place in Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban on the 24th of February.


“We are confident that we are going to emerge victorious the majority of the people have always voted the ANC and they support the ANC they also see the ANC as the only vehicle that have commenced and started the transformation process in our country can continue with it and consolidation and make it better” said the president, Cyril Ramaphosa.

The youth of south Africa is one of the main part ANC want to get much support they from, because as being said young people are the one who must take over as they are still strong. The ANC wants more young people in the parliament, and they also believe that all parties have their people who will support them ahead of the elections and who will also grow with the liberation.


 Kelvin Phehla at the province of Kwazulu natal one of the fundamentals is to ensure that young people they rally behind they (ANC) youth league, young people must afford to be institution to higher learning to rally behind the African congress and they are also obligated to eradicate anything that speaks of victimization against student leadership across institutions.

The ANC is looking forward to get more support with this manifesto as they are confident that they will  be victorious . The ANC believes that they have the weapon to make country better as they have been the party that has been making improves to the liberation of the South Africans.


Okuhle Mafrika, Said “I urge every young person to go read that statement and understand every single point of it and you can clearly see that you are not valued as young person in south africa, you can’t be just given social welfare am not against social welfare but it cant the just the only thing that is given to you. ”



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Chumile's journal journey Introduction


                                                       Chumile's journal journey introduction


In my journal journey am going to be blogging with what people want to see. Updating the masses with news to really know what happening in the world. As we know that not everyone has interest in news or anything happening in the world, so in that case i'm going to accommodate them with other things such as sports,royals,lifestyle,entertainment and also writing articles about people's affairs as well.

People who really like to watch movies and also series anything worth tv entertaining will really have a sense of visiting my blog regularly,because that's what i will focusing more about. As for record people really like being entertained with events will be very much updated as we know that events are one of the top trending updates in the world telling what's going to be happening in the event, what celebrities will be there in the event. Giving them update early with what they should expect in those events they are interested in.

Updating people in the world is very crucial cause they stay updated on news items as they unfold. By reading newspaper on a daily basis, you're better equipped to form opinions on things that are currently happening, and you're also likelier to be prepared if a event has a direct impact on your life. 

Vox pop article

                                                            Vox pops article

By Chumile Mafrika


South Africa have many victims who suffer from substance abuse. As we know that drugs also affect the youth society and many people have died because drug abuse.

Linda Ciko is a 25-year-old street vender who sells fruits and vegetables, he says drug addiction is a use of drug or thoughts that can harm an individual or others. When someone uses legal or illegal substances in ways you shouldn’t. People get into drugs because of the environment that might impact substance abuse, peer pressure from friends or family members or social media platforms. According to Linda the way he sees things people have the sense of always thinking about drugs or how to make capital for drugs.

People have been found in rehabs because of drugs or substance abuse that’s the way to overcome drug addiction, and there are other ways of overcoming drug abuse and addictions explore your addiction treatment options. Without treatment, drugs can be dangerous for your body in different ways. They can have short term and long-term effects, which can affect you both physically and psychologically.

People need to have knowledge about the risks and harms that come along with these substancesin order to use precaution to help them stay safe and reduce harm. Mind you not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol wants or needs help. People who use drugs for a long period of time can develop dependance and tolerance to it.

Trauma related to mental health disorders, feelings of fear or guilt, many people who are scarred by traumatic events such as horrible accidents, sexual assault, sudden death of a loved one will turn to drugs to try to forget bad and horrible things they witnessed said Kwanelisiwe Nkabinde. It is considered as brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to a brain circuit in reward of stress and self-control.

Karabo Molefe says problems of thinking clearly and loss of muscle control it takes maturity and being serious because addiction is a serious thing to overcome. Drug addict is a chronic and relapsing brain disorder that features drug seeking and abuse, despite their harmful effects.

Depressed people choose alcohol and drugs in order to calm their nerves and to get rid of their sadness. They use alcohol and drugs to escape their problems and pain but these problems likely get worse in the long run. It’s the reason people get addicted.

“It is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug medicine substance such as alcohol, marijuana, prescription medicine (pain pills, anxiety pills and Crystal meth”, said Kelvin Smith who is a cashier at Woolworths.

According to Puleng Mothupi the behavior change may also indicate drug or alcohol addiction and these include problems at work or at school; poor performance at school regarding the youth and not cooperating very well. To overcome all this, build meaningful free life and you need to change your environment and lifestyle.




 By Chumile Mafrika Twitter: @mafrika_chumile Email: On 23 March 2024 Manhattan residence hosted a top 4 netball to...