Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Vox pop article

                                                            Vox pops article

By Chumile Mafrika


South Africa have many victims who suffer from substance abuse. As we know that drugs also affect the youth society and many people have died because drug abuse.

Linda Ciko is a 25-year-old street vender who sells fruits and vegetables, he says drug addiction is a use of drug or thoughts that can harm an individual or others. When someone uses legal or illegal substances in ways you shouldn’t. People get into drugs because of the environment that might impact substance abuse, peer pressure from friends or family members or social media platforms. According to Linda the way he sees things people have the sense of always thinking about drugs or how to make capital for drugs.

People have been found in rehabs because of drugs or substance abuse that’s the way to overcome drug addiction, and there are other ways of overcoming drug abuse and addictions explore your addiction treatment options. Without treatment, drugs can be dangerous for your body in different ways. They can have short term and long-term effects, which can affect you both physically and psychologically.

People need to have knowledge about the risks and harms that come along with these substancesin order to use precaution to help them stay safe and reduce harm. Mind you not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol wants or needs help. People who use drugs for a long period of time can develop dependance and tolerance to it.

Trauma related to mental health disorders, feelings of fear or guilt, many people who are scarred by traumatic events such as horrible accidents, sexual assault, sudden death of a loved one will turn to drugs to try to forget bad and horrible things they witnessed said Kwanelisiwe Nkabinde. It is considered as brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to a brain circuit in reward of stress and self-control.

Karabo Molefe says problems of thinking clearly and loss of muscle control it takes maturity and being serious because addiction is a serious thing to overcome. Drug addict is a chronic and relapsing brain disorder that features drug seeking and abuse, despite their harmful effects.

Depressed people choose alcohol and drugs in order to calm their nerves and to get rid of their sadness. They use alcohol and drugs to escape their problems and pain but these problems likely get worse in the long run. It’s the reason people get addicted.

“It is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug medicine substance such as alcohol, marijuana, prescription medicine (pain pills, anxiety pills and Crystal meth”, said Kelvin Smith who is a cashier at Woolworths.

According to Puleng Mothupi the behavior change may also indicate drug or alcohol addiction and these include problems at work or at school; poor performance at school regarding the youth and not cooperating very well. To overcome all this, build meaningful free life and you need to change your environment and lifestyle.



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